Come Worship with Us
Sunday Worship: 9:00am | Sunday Bible Class: 10:30am | Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study: 6:00pm
About us
We strive to simply be New Testament Christians. Upon visiting with us you will be greeted at the door and welcomed regardless of your background or baggage. Based on how we understand the example of the early church in the Bible, our worship services are simple and non-threatening. They include prayer, singing, taking the Lord’s Supper, scripture reading, a collection for continuing the work of the church and a lesson from God’s word.
During each assembly an attended nursery is available for children 24 months and younger, as well as training rooms for older children. And each Sunday night Kingdom Kids, an interactive children’s worship, is provided for children 3 years old to 2nd grade.

Join us online

Mondays, 6:00 p.m. in the FAC. Everyone is welcome to come play or cheer players on!

Ladies’ Game Night
Ladies’ Game Nights – One Thursday a month, 6:30 pm in the FAC. See this week’s bulletin for exact dates.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The third Tuesday of every month at 6:45 a.m. in the Family Activity Center. Men of all ages are welcome to join us for coffee,

Adult Ministry
Our adult ministries focus on following Jesus through social activities to build strong Christian relationships and Bible classes that dig into God’s word to find practical ways to life our best life. We strive to sharpen each other in order to prepare God’s people for works of service.

Youth and Family Ministry
Our youth and family program seeks to involve young people in their own growth and walk with the Lord. We plan fun and engaging activities, classes, trips and service opportunities in a Christian environment. And we foster good Christian relationships with other youth in our area.

Children's Ministry
Our children’s ministry includes highly interactive classes, fun family activities and an internationally recognized Christian leadership training program. We want to encourage children to begin a lifetime of love for the Lord and His people within our children’s ministry.